





[開箱]Super Mario Bros 25周年: Super Mario Collection Special Pack (Wii)

Super Mario Bros自1985年發售以來,今年正好屆滿25周年了。任天堂為了紀念地球遊戲史上極為重要的西元1985年,便移植了Super Mario Bros 1/2/3/USA共計4部Mario作品到Wii主機上,供老玩家懷念這聞名全球的動作遊戲經典:

不過話雖然這麼說,事實上這片遊戲就只是把在Super Family Computer(即俗稱的超級任天堂主機)平台上推出的Super Mario Collection移植到Wii的再重製作品而已。為什麼說是再重製作品呢?因為SFC主機的Super Mario Collection本身就是把Super Mario Bros 1/2/3/USA合起來重製的作品。Wii版與SFC版相比,不論是畫面還是判定,都完全沒有任何的改變。只不過......


[Tip]enable MP3, MPEG4, AAC, and other restricted encoders in FFmpeg

Because of licenses difference between FFmpeg and libfaac/libmp3lame/etc, the offical FFmpeg doesn't support MP3, MPEG4, AAC, and other restricted encoders. However, we could make FFmpeg support these encoders by installing modified packages from third-party repository.

Medibuntu is a third-party repository that contains packages that are unable to be included in the official Ubuntu repositories. We can install modified libavcodec-extra-52 from them.

First, change repository settings:
sudo wget http://www.medibuntu.org/sources.list.d/`lsb_release -cs`.list --output-document=/etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list && sudo apt-get -q update && sudo apt-get --yes -q --allow-unauthenticated install medibuntu-keyring && sudo apt-get -q update

Second, apt-get install libavcodec-extra-52 again:
sudo apt-get install ffmpeg libavcodec-extra-52

Then we are able to use the below command to compress any video file to mp4 with avc/aac stream inside.
ffmpeg -i input.file -acodec libfaac -ab 128k -vcodec libx264 -vpre default -crf 15 -threads 0 output_file.mp4

By the way, we could remove Medibuntu repository:
sudo apt-get autoremove ffmpeg medibuntu-keyring && sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list && sudo apt-get update
But I suggest that you should remove modified libavcodec-extra-52 before restoring repository settings to default state.


[PyQt] Warning: correctly use openPersistentEditor() and closePersistentEditor() with entered() signal to keep editor opened

Sometimes we may use openPersistentEditor() and closePersistentEditor() to keep editor of delegate opened.
For example, when entered() signal is generated, we close old persistent editor and open new persistent editor to make real editor widget always locates on the cell that mouse is pointing on.

However, the QModelIndex instance from entered() signal will be destroyed after the slot connected to entered() is returned. If we call openPersistentEditor() with the QModelIndex instance from entered() signal, I found that call closePersistentEditor() with QModelIndex:
1. has same instance as what we used to call openPersistentEditor()
2. has another instance that contains same row, column, and parent as what we used to call openPersistentEditor()
will failed, both of them.

If we want to open persistent editor and close it later in slots that entered() signal is connecting, we should create new index with model.index(index.row(), index.column()).
(Caution: directly assign index.parent() to the 3rd argument of model.index() causes the same problem, parent index should be cloned, too.)



其實在同人界,將軟體擬人化已經不是什麼新鮮的事情了。但是軟體公司官方主動請插畫師設計軟體看板人物,並且為其正統背書的例子,倒是難得一見。除了Crypton的人聲合成軟體VOCALOID的CV系列(初音ミク等角色)以外,最近有位在台灣土生土長,卻有著日系漫畫美少女特徵,而且紅到日本去的軟體看板人物,那就是台灣微軟的Silverlight 4看板娘-"藍澤 光"(あいざわ ひかる)了: