
[Tip]Fix crap gcin in Ubuntu 10.04

If your gcin is crap (couldn't input any Chinese character) while using any Qt based program in Ubuntu 10.04, you could fix gcin after you did the following step:
1. execute
sudo apt-get autoremove gcin gcin-qt3-immodule gcin-qt4-immodule
2. add this to /etc/apt/sources.list
# gcin from ubuntu-tw
# refer to http://wiki.ubuntu-tw.orig/index.php?title=Gcin
deb http://debian.luna.com.tw/lucid ./
deb-src http://debian.luna.com.tw/lucid ./
3. execute
sudo apt-get update
4. execute
sudo apt-get install gcin gcin-qt3-immodule gcin-qt4-immodule

That's all, folks!

2 則留言:

  1. I use ibus while I am starting to use Ubuntu 10.04, but it crashes randomly with some Qt based program. Thus I choose gcin, from which I could solve that predictable error.
